By Gad Masereka – In a groundbreaking announcement, BJB Consult (U) LTD emerges as the go-to resource for individuals aspiring to achieve their educational goals. Offering...
In a shocking incident on Christmas Eve, a 44-year-old man, Denis Obua, became the victim of a violent attack by his wife, Milly Acen, in Abutataro...
In a tragic incident, a 58-year-old woman, Janet Apio, is under police custody in Apac District, northern Uganda, on suspicion of killing her 85-year-old husband, Joseph...
Suspected Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels are reported to have carried out a deadly attack in Nyabitutsi village, Businge parish, Kamwenge sub-county, Kamwenge district. The assault...
Jinja, Uganda – In a heartbreaking incident on Christmas Day, two teenage boys lost their lives after drowning in Lake Victoria. The tragedy unfolded at the...
Mwenga, South Kivu – In a devastating incident on Sunday, at least four lives have been lost, and another 20 individuals are feared missing after a...
Lugazi, Uganda – Major General Dennis Asiimwe, the revered commandant of Uganda Military Engineering College (UMEC), has sadly passed away, leaving behind a legacy of exceptional...
Hoima, Uganda – In a shocking and brutal incident, Hoima police have apprehended two herdsmen suspected of murder. The suspects, whose identities have been concealed to...
By Gad Masereka Kampala, Uganda – Sunday, December 24, 2023 Amidst growing concerns and speculations following a recent pronouncement by Pope Francis on blessings for same-sex...
St. Mary’s Major Seminary Kinyamasika, Dec 23, 2023 – The 2nd day of the Tooro People’s Conference witnessed a thought-provoking discussion on the theme “The Power...