In a shocking turn of events, Luuka Resident District Commissioner, Paul Waiswa, has been suspended indefinitely for gross misconduct, following a complaint of assault filed against...
The Special Forces Command (SFC) is a specialized component of the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) tasked with carrying out specialized missions or operations at a...
Washington, March 5, 2024 – Tragedy struck Monday evening as a small private plane crashed near a highway in Nashville, Tennessee, claiming the lives of all...
Written by URN Arrests have been made in connection with the alleged theft of Shs 138 million from the Post Bank in Arua. Arua Central Police...
Tuesday, March 05, 2024 – In a recent surge of violence, the Rwanda-backed M23 rebel group has launched a series of attacks in the lawless eastern...
In a shocking turn of events, police in Arua district have apprehended a 48-year-old man for allegedly murdering his wife after she denied him conjugal rights....
In a significant development, police have made a breakthrough in the investigation into the murder of Buganda Kingdom’s Ndiga Clan head, Eng. Daniel Bbosa, with the...
A chilling incident has shaken the community of Omitoto in Osun State as Pastor Moris Fadehan, head of the Celestial Church of Christ at Grace of...
President Museveni commended Abdul for his bravery, attributing his actions to heroism and baptizing him as a bush war fighter, akin to himself.
Lujja Bossa Tabulwa is believed to have orchestrated the execution, including sourcing the AK-47 gun used in the murder and identifying the location for the execution