Bebe Cool Has “Sahaciosis,” King Saha Revealed
Kings Love Entertainment president Mansur Ssemanda, aka King Saha, has revealed that fellow artist Bebe Cool has been suffering from “Sahaciosis” for quite some time.
The assertion was made in response to an inquiry about King Saha’s feud with Bebe Cool. He implied that Bebe had been sick for more than a year.
When Bebe Cool went to be diagnosed with the condition, he was instead provided a different drug that treats Coccidiosis rather than “Sahaciosis,” according to him.
In fact, King Saha has asked that anyone who encounters Bebe Cool take him to his residence for “Sahaciosis” medicine before it’s too late.
Saha claims to be the only one who knows how to cure Bebe’s illness, and that if the symptoms remain, the disease will kill her.
My elder has been battling an ailment for quite some time. Sahaciosis is the name of his condition. He has been battling Sahaciosis for many years, not just a year or two.
Instead of treating Sahaciosis, he was diagnosed with Coccidiosis when he checked into a health institution. However, I am the only one who has the correct treatment for Sahaciosis. As a result, if he does not seek my assistance, he will not recover from his illness.
Anyone who comes across him should inform him that I have the appropriate prescription for his disease. It might possibly kill him if he doesn’t.
When media inquired if he would sing at Bebe Cool’s wedding, Saha responded with a really cheeky statement that left them speechless.
King Saha also dismissed Bebe Cool’s claims, alleging that he only joined Bobi Wine because they both smoke marijuana.
Saha defended himself, claiming that if such were the fact, he would not be friends with the other artists who are supporting him in the UMA presidency campaign.