Balutwanimana Juma, a man residing in Mukono, recently faced the stern hand of justice when the High Court sentenced him to a lengthy 30-year prison term...
By Hason Mutunzi Bwambale East African nations have taken a monumental step towards bridging the digital gap in the region with the launch of a regional...
By Ivan Kaahwa The UPDF General Court-Martial, seated in Mogadishu, Somalia, rendered a verdict against Maj. John Steven Oluka and Maj. Zadock Obor, sentencing them for...
Paul Mackenzie, the Kenyan preacher at the centre of a doomsday cult that led to the deaths of more than 400 people, was found guilty on...
By Hason Mutunzi Bwambale In a joyous ceremony filled with worship and celebrations, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church – Emmaus, Kirinya, has been officially inaugurated as a...
By Hason Mutunzi Bwambale Munuki, Juba, South Sudan : In an inspiring Sabbath gathering at the SDA Church in Munuki, Juba, South Sudan, members of the...
By Gad Masereka The National Chairman’s Office (ONC), led by Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo, took a significant step on Friday by empowering various youth and women groups...
The Busoga Kingdom has firmly denied the validity of assertions suggesting that the Kyabazinga, William Gabula Nadiope IV, was previously engaged in a formal marriage with...
By Hason Mutunzi Bwambale In a recent address to the nation, President Yoweri K. Museveni revealed a major concern regarding the importation of petroleum products in...
By Hason Mutunzi Bwambale Kololo, Uganda – Yesterday, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, a prominent Ugandan military official and the son of President Yoweri Museveni, engaged in discussions...