By: Hason Mutunzi Bwambale In a heartbreaking incident on February 1, 2024, the tranquil community of Bwizibwera Village, Maliba Sub-County, was shaken by the untimely demise...
Tororo District, February 1, 2024 A somber investigation is underway in Tororo District, eastern Uganda, as police detectives delve into a horrifying incident where a policeman...
After establishing their headquarters in Kampyemi Muhororo of Kagadi District, the Faith of Unity community led by Omukama Ruhaga Owobusobozi Bisaka is growing momentum of teaching...
By Gad Masereka Kampala, February 1, 2024 In a spirited address at the CSO PRE-BUDGET DIALOGUE Financial Year 2024/2025 conference, held at the Imperial Royal Hotel...
By Gad Masereka Kyambogo, Kampala Iran’s Ambassador to Uganda, Majid Saffar, has urged Uganda to invest more in modern technology, particularly in areas such as artificial...
Luwero, Uganda – Thursday, February 1, 2024 In a solemn gathering at its main campus in Luwero, Bugema University paid heartfelt tribute to the late Professor...
By Gad Masereka President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has expressed gratitude to business magnate Sudhir Ruparelia for his instrumental role in the successful organization of the Non-Aligned...
By Gad Masereka In a resolute call to action, the Minister of Water and Environment, Hon Sam Mangusho Cheptoris, has urged collective efforts to protect threatened...
In a heartbreaking turn of events, a 16-year-old boy from Kitende Sisa in Wakiso District, identified as Abdurahim Rusiba, reportedly took his own life last Friday...
Pemba village, located in Chief CHIKUWE’s area of Chipangali District, witnessed scenes of confusion and tension during the burial ceremony of Joseph Lungu, a member of...