In a heart-wrenching incident, the police in Kyazanga, Lwengo district, are delving into the circumstances surrounding the tragic suicide of 9-year-old pupil Joel Ojuma. The young...
In a startling revelation, Katumba Fred, the mastermind behind FK Promotions, finds himself at the center of a police manhunt for allegedly duping NRM supporters. Exploiting...
By Hason Mutunzi Bwambale In a night filled with joy and nostalgia, Mwalimu Ssozi Joram, a renowned musician and producer, mesmerized the audience with an epic...
By Gad Masereka A multi-talented singer, Steven Osito, has hailed Rasterman Bebe Cool for allowing him to make a remix of his song Mambo Mingi. While...
By Gad Masereka 3 time Grammys winners Morgan Heritage will next Wednesday drop their single featuring Uganda’s BET winner and Grammys nominee Eddy Kenzo featuring S’Villa....
On Monday, June 12th, the body of the deceased dramatist Paul Kato Lubwa will lie at the National Theatre in Kampala so that his fellow creatives...
Hajjat Kulthum, M.D. Nabunya Gumisiriza became upset when filing a complaint against Bad Black at the Central Police Station (CPS) for insulting her and the husband....