More Than 50 Tanzanians Join Faith Of Unity, Thank Owobusobozi For Healing Them
On a three-day excursion to teach the message of Ruhaga “Oneness” as His commandment to stop and end divisiveness in the world, 281 people have joined the many adherents of Omukama Ruhaga Owobusobozi Bisaka’s faith.
The uniting faith of Omukama Ruhaga Owobusobozi Bisaka is rapidly growing in followers, with at least hundreds signing up every day, every week, and every month.
Owobusobozi Bisaka spent time with believers and non-believers gathering at Kaziizi Village, Village Play Ground in Bugango Subcounty, and Insigiro District teaching about oneness throughout the course of the weekend of September 8th through September 11th.
He focused more on the fact that people had convened to reconsider African traditional religions and those that had been imported into Africa because they had never expressed goodwill toward us. “Only the Faith of Unity unites everyone without regard to who they are, but rather views everyone as a child of Ruhaga,” Owobusobozi added.
Over 231 thirsty Ugandans in the Ankole Particular Insigiro district and fifty (50) from Tanazina joined the Faith of Unity as a result of Owobusobozi Bisaka’s teaching during a three-day extensive tour, bringing the total number of people who had previously been nonbelievers but are now believers to 281.
On the final day of the teaching, somewhere was already healed before joining. Many brand-new believers shared their personal healing experiences with Omukama Ruhaga Owobusobozi Bisaka.
A 79-year-old man named Rugusa Anorld thanked Owobusobozi Bisaka for the immediate healing since it was the nicest night he had had in ten years.
In his opening remarks, Owobusobozi expressed gratitude to the president of Uganda for the country’s peace and security, which have aided in the growth and development of the faith of unity.
We are free to teach Obumu Oneness at any time, any day, and wherever without facing any security risks thanks to the peace and stability in Uganda. I hereby express my sincere gratitude to our president for the effort accomplished. Says Owobusobozi
In addition to providing them the Faith of Unity calendar, which provides them more time for working than the white calendars do for praying and resting, believers in various Bukwenda thanked Owobusobozi for healing and blessing them.